Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pet Appreciation Day - Bangor

Ella, Robbie and I drove up to Bangor today in order to share a booth with Maine Aussie Rescue at the Bangor Humane Society's Pet Appreciation Day. Leigh from Aussie Rescue met us there.

We met a lot of people and a lot of dogs. The biggest dog we met was a Great Dane and the smallest was a Min-Pin. There were pure bred dogs and mixed breeds. All seemed happy to be out and about with their people and happy that the day wasn't blisteringly hot.

I was privileged enough to have a 30 second spot on the radio promoting Aussie Rescue. I hope we get some website hits from that! Ella stood beside me for moral support. She was a bit nervous of the large, loud speakers, though, and wanted us to hightail it back to the booth when we were finished.

All in all, it was a fun day!

*Rocky the rescue sheltie is still loose.

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