Friday, June 15, 2007

Ella Minnow Pea*

Ella is my first sheltie. Soon after I moved into this house, I found a good breeder and bought Ella. She was a tiny little thing, even though she was 14 weeks old! And, she soon taught me a lot about owning shelties - they are smart, fun and loyal.

Ella is now almost 2 and she helps me every day. She is the alarm clock that wakes everyone up in the morning. She lets me know that I am not preparing her meals fast enough. She tells me when vehicles are driving by on the road outside. And, she helps keep all the others dogs (and cats) in line. She happily welcomes each new foster sheltie and teaches them begging manners and how to play.

Ella also accompanies me to most rescue events. She is definitely a princess who loves to show off how pretty and intelligent the sheltie breed is. And, she is the one who really determines if an adopter is a suitable sheltie owner.

I really don't know what would do without my Ella Bella.

*Thank you, Mark Dunn, for the lovely name for my dog. Your great book inspired me!

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