Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Book Review: The Other End of the Leash

The Other End of the Leash (Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs)
By Patricia McConnell, Ph.D
240 pages
ISBN: 034544678X
Available from Dogwise Books

This book is not a "how to" training book. Or, rather, I should say, it isn't a cues/commands/tricks type training book. Instead, it is a book that seeks to outline the differences and similarities of humans and dogs and how each species communicates though the 5 senses. A reader can gain a deeper understanding of their canine companion and how to better communicate with him/her.

During the course of the book, Dr. McConnell shows how we, as primates, differ from canines and how those differences can cause problems. She also offers ways to help facilitate communication between the species.

My favorite chapter was "Chapter 3: Talking to Each Other." Dr. McConnell reviewed the ways that humans talk to their animals and really offered some great suggestions on how our tone and pace of speaking can have an effect on our dogs. She reviewed fast sounds and what those did to affect behavior and slow long sounds (such as "whoa") and how they aided in slowing down an animal.

Throughout the book, she talks about her own experiences with her own dogs and her student dogs, which really help to illustrate what she is writing about. I have to admit that the stories in the last chapter (Love and Loss) brought tears to my eyes.

I would definitely recommend this for any dog lover's library.

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