Friday, August 17, 2007


Phew! I am participating in a few blogging challenges: Liz's One Local Summer Challenge, S.M.S.'s Book to Movie Challenge and 3M's Book Awards Reading Challenge. Maybe I should come up with my very own challenge! Like, how many dogs can we squish into Stephani's house challenge.

Duchess is losing weight very nicely. She is visibly slimming down each and every day. And, she has become more active and more vocal. When the pack and I play ball outside, she barks at everyone - just like a little cheerleader (or an old hen telling them to settle down).

Blackie is more active, too, but is showing his age a little, since he tends to over-do-it if I let him. Then, he is achy and snarky when the weather cools off at night. I have begun giving him a DGP arthritis supplement each morning to see if that helps. I think it is, since this morning the little s*** stuck his head into the zucchini patch and leisurely ate a small, tender morsel - flower and all. The dog has no shame - none at all. I mean, at least grab it and run - don't just stand there at the outdoor buffet!

And, Spirit is with us. Well, not right at this very moment, since she is recovering at the vet's office from her spay surgery. But, the little angel seems to be fitting in a-OK. She is a little skittish, but slept the other night on the bed curled up next to Maggie (with her head on Maggie's butt). The funny thing is, every time I look at her, I want to call her "Sunshine."

So, should you decide to come visit, don't expect to have any conversation for a few minutes - visitors cause ALL the dogs to talk! At once!

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